Thursday, April 15, 2010

What letter is the most popular for the first letter of a name?


I really don't know what category to put this in, lol

What letter is the most popular for the first letter of a name?
According to the found this many names starting with each letter:

A- 326

B - 161

C - 268

D - 209

E - 132

F - 60

G- 98

H - 77

I - 61

J- 345

K - 284

L - 189

M - 276

N - 88

O - 64

P - 59

Q - 18

R - 173

S - 244

T - 192

U - 22

V - 60

W - 55

X - 24

Y- 61

Z - 57

Obviously, it's not counting the most used by people, but it does show that J has a lot of names that start with it!
Reply:J-Jessica, Jennifer, Jamie

M- MIchelle, MAry, Maria

S- Samantha, STacey, Sierra

i think J is the most popular for girls and M is for boys because of MIchael and Jessica
Reply:I think A is the most popular for a girl and M for a boy.
Reply:I don't know, M,J,L or K I guess?
Reply:probably J
Reply:M, L, J, or K.
Reply:J or M maybe. I'm curious why you asked this, though. Research?
Reply:I'd say.............A
Reply:I would say M or S.
Reply:I would say J.
Reply:i would say letter J And A
Reply:I would say...

Reply:A and J


Reply:S or J!
Reply:Are Stone cold steve austin and triple h the people in your avatar?

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