Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mohammed now second most popular boys' name in Britain?

How can that be? Is that true?

Mohammed now second most popular boys' name in Britain?
LOL, are they gonna get 40 lashes

a name is a name is a name
Reply:It comes in last place for names of teddy bears however. :(
Reply:What's wrong with that? Are you racist?

There may be hope for England yet!
Reply:yes that is true.... my last name is mohammed too.....
Reply:*Shakes head* It takes all kinds to make the world go round!
Reply:because there is like 3 muslim names to choose from. all the other UK names are llike jack john bill , youknow, a lot more to choose from to it spreads it out.
Reply:as i know muslims are respect their messenger and like their kids,because of that they name kids by his name as honoring them while you all who joking your fathers used to name you any thing becuase most of you raised without marriage and some times without intend from your parents beside no big difference between your names and your pets, you always respect your dogs as a member of your family and others satisfied by having a dog or cat instead to have a baby to raise it and give him their family name.
Reply:rebel name your kid prince charles
Reply:Nigel is #1...
Reply:why not is there a reason for it not to be?
Reply:I heard that too. I wonder what the parents will name their boys' teddy bears.
Reply:Hurrah, big up for the Muslims.
Reply:It's the most popular name worldwide.
Reply:Well, 1.5 billion people in the whole world are Muslim so, why wouldn't Mohammed be a popular name?
Reply:absolutely!! but DO NOT ever name a stuffed animal that, Crazy huh???
Reply:That's scary.
Reply:yes and #1 in the whole world


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